give it a thought, why is it such a big deal just because it's a new year? i mean, its just another practically don't feel any difference...its an ordinary day made big by society,by individuals.
think about it every 1st of jan is made big, people celebrate it, they enjoy themselves, they scream out happy new year.
but why don't they do the same on other similar occasions? like chinese new year? its the beginning of a new lunar calender year also and why not on the first day of the islamic calender?
it just doesn't make sense to me. would appreciate it if someone to explain this whole thing to me.
anyway, such occasions are always a good time to look back and pick up meaningful lessons and to learn from mistakes. retain what's good and change what's bad.
so here's a reflection on my 2012 (let's see how much i can remember) :
I don't quite remember what happened except for fauzi's birthday, ice cream cheft with bimbz and henna's reception.
This marked the official end of my 1st yr in poly. exams during my birthday for the 1st time in life and a quite valentine's day. 18th birthday made memorable by my awesome family. there was also a 29th this yr,hehe,lehan turned 4 and finally had her first celeb.
Started with a bang. Tried new things and saw life with a different perspective. not to forget my weird hormones started to kick in right here. Lots of outings with le friends and more with family.
Yr 2,not a good start - huge transformation of self behaviour in schoold grounds :/
Can't remember what i was doing in this 2 mths. Ah girl was having her intern during this period? and i was super crazyly mad in my own bubble?
Holy-month of ramadan. Disappointing moment when i knew i could not travel this yr :( remember feeling super tired,idk why.
Hari Raya amidst exams. Shopping for raya outfits for the first time,aha,i sound stupid here but oh well. Raya Bazaar with ah girl <3
I don't know if it was in Sep or not but byee to my horrible obsession and the bubble finally burst,yay! and hello to new person in life. HOLIDAYS! :D A good break from everything.
First working experience, shopping for india, sad ending of the month with me being in sg by myself and dreaded back to school.
Lots of weddings which i could not attend. spend lots of time at home, practiced home-making skills, haha.
Family reunion,after 2 long months. mid-sem test.and finally a break,yipee.
Hmm,my life sounds so mundane,like nothing much happened.
Can remember myself making so much mistakes along the way, so many learnings took place.
In short, 2012 has transformed me to a more independent and sensible girl. it showed me a lot of things and changed my perceptions too. i think i'm a better me now.
Thankyou for the changes and for being an eye opener (:
Welcoming 2013 with only one aim. Don't want to have too many in fear of not accomplishing them.
And the one thing is to be a more religious person. insyallah. yes it's about time i look into this aspect.
and of course i'm hoping for the year to be filled with exciting events and a less dramatic life of mine. things should begin to be stable.hehe (;
In a few hours! |
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